Henrici Restraurant

There are several options for the subsequent wedding dinner. For instance a quiet, sedate gala dinner with the family, without dancing, could take place in the historical staterooms of the palace. If you wish for a more exuberant wedding celebration, the Henrici restaurant right opposite the castle would be ideal:
In the former stable building, which has now been modernised, there is a ballroom accommodating up to 120 people for your wedding celebrations.
Hardly any other dynasty has inspired as many chefs to create culinary creations as the Esterházys: The Esterházy roast beef and the Esterházy cake are only two delicacies that became internationally loved staples. These and many other classics including fine Pannonian dishes are celebrated in the Henrici restaurant’s menu in a modern form and with a Mediterranean touch.
You can find more information about the Henrici restaurant here.