Esterházy Palace

Opening times

Open every day from 10.00 am - 06.00 pm

Opening times

Forchtenstein Castle

Opening times

Open daily
10.00 am - 05.00 pm

Opening times

Lackenbach Palace

Opening times

Daily 10.00 am. - 05.00 pm

Opening times

St.Margarethen Quarry

Opening times

Gruppenbuchungen auf Anfrage möglich

Opening times

Esterhazy Ticket Complete

4 Locations – 1 Ticket

The Ticket Complete includes all exhibitions and can be used on each location for one day. The ticket is valid throughout the whole year.

Prices 2024


€ 45,00

Ermäßigt / Gruppen

€ 40,00


€ 95,00

Esterházy Palace

Opening Times

Forchtenstein Castle

Opening Times

Lackenbach Palace

Opening Times
