Esterházy Palace

Opening times

Tuesday - Friday guided winter tours (in German) only
Saturday - Sunday and public holidays 10.00 am to 5.00 pm

Opening times

Forchtenstein Castle

Opening times

Guided Winter-Tour
Tuesday to Sunday and on holidays at 11.00 am und 1.00 pm
Saturday, Sunday and on holidays at 11.00 am, 1.00 and 3.00 pm

Opening times

Lackenbach Palace

Opening times

Thursday to Sunday and public holidays from 10.00 am - 05.00 pm

Opening times

St.Margarethen Quarry

Opening times

Guided tours only

Opening times

Castle-Ticket for groups

Artworks and Military Tradition – Traces of the Past

Immerse yourself in times long past at the exhibitions in the baroque Hochschloss Forchtenstein. There are unique things to discover with every step you take through the historic complex: right at the beginning - in the inner castle courtyard - the largest secco murals north of the Alps will surprise you. Experience more than 400 years of weapons history within the walls of the bulwark: important exhibits in one of the largest private weapons collections in Europe provide an insight into a long military tradition and the Esterházy's service alongside the Habsburgs.

The second floor is open to the public without guided tours. There you can get to know the diversity of the collection areas. Numerous portraits impressively illustrate the history of the Esterházy family. Ancestral portraits such as those of the Hun King Attila or the legendary Voivode Vlad III Ţepeş, known today as the novel character Count Dracula, show the legitimacy of heroic and worthy ancestors of the princely family. Above all the Ottoman ceremonial tent that is more than 400 years old, complete the collection cosmos at Forchtenstein Castle. The exquisite works of art and astonishing rarities from the princely treasure chamber, many of which are on free display at Forchtenstein Castle, also provide an extraordinary insight into the passion for collecting of the first Esterházy Prince Paul.

Castle ticket with guided tour

Forchtenstein Castle, an imposing landmark of Burgenland and one of the oldest museum sites in Europe, long served as a “vault” for exquisite treasures and as a repository for the military equipment of the Esterházy princes. Take your group on a guided tour of exclusive areas of the castle, such as the historic armory with its collections dating back more than four centuries. In addition to impressive militaria, you will also see highlights from other areas of the collection. The castle kitchen and bakery of the fortress give an impression of the everyday working life in the past. At the end of the tour, take a look into the once vital well, which is around 50 meters deep.

Focus on “Treasures and curiosities of Forchtenstein Castle”

Complete your visit with a further thematic focus that rounds off your tour in princely style: the treasures and curiosities of Forchtenstein Castle. As part of this tour, you will explore the 2nd floor of the Hochschloss. In the rooms that once housed Prince Paul I's apartments, you will marvel at legendary ancestral portraits, silver furniture that has become unique rarities and some of the most valuable exhibits from the historical treasury. Thanks to the patronage of the Princes Esterházy, unique works of art can be admired in the castle today. These include the Bacchus automaton and the elephant clock - rarities that can only be found in small numbers around the world. They have been carefully preserved for centuries, as one of the largest and oldest surviving collections of silver furniture in Europe. The central masterpiece is the silver-covered table.

This need to represent the nobility is also reflected in the portraits. The world's only surviving full-length portrait of Vlad III Ţepeş bears witness to this special ancestor cult. However, not only commissioned, purchased or gifted art objects were kept, but also loot from battles, which on the one hand expressed honor towards the enemy, on the other hand underlined the power and strength of the conquerors.

Convince yourself of the steadfast fight of the Esterházy on the side of Habsburg against the Ottomans with the help of such outstanding exhibits and feel the magical energy of the bulwark. Choose this tour for your group to focus on the family history, significance and status of the Esterhazy princely family from the late 17th century onwards in the context of the European aristocracy.

Focus on „Treasure chamber“

For groups who are particularly interested in the rooms of Forchtenstein's historical treasury, we recommend the “Treasure chamber” guided tour. This has been an exclusive area for centuries, and many people have been denied access to it throughout history. However, this additional thematic focus gives you a glimpse into a world of treasures and wonders from times past. Due to the conservation guidelines to which Forchtenstein Castle has committed itself, in order to preserve and conserve its rooms and exhibits, no more than 15 people may be in the Treasury at once. For organizational reasons, please let us know one month in adance if this focus interests you.


Castle-Ticket without guided tour

€ 13,00

Castle-Ticket with guided tour

€ 18,00


€ 9,00

Flat Rate for groups up to 15 Persons

€ 270,00

Árak iskolai csoportoknak


Vár-jegy vezetés nélkül - iskolai csoportoknak

€ 7,00

Vár-jegy vezetéssel - iskolai csoportoknak

€ 9,00
