Esterházy Palace

Opening times

Tuesday - Sunday and holidays from 10.00 am - 05.00 pm

Opening times

Forchtenstein Castle

Opening times

Guided Winter-Tour
Monday and Wednesday to Friday at 11.00 am und 1.00 pm
Saturday, Sunday and on holidays at 11.00 am, 1.00 and 3.00 pm

Opening times

Lackenbach Palace

Opening times
Opening times

St.Margarethen Quarry

Opening times

Guided tours only

Opening times

Visitor Regulations at Esterházy Palace in Eisenstadt

1. Mit Betreten des Schlossareals des Schlosses Esterházy verpflichtet sich der Besucher zur Einhaltung der Besucherregelung. Das Betreten ist nur während der Öffnungszeiten gestattet.

1. By entering Esterházy Palace and grounds, the visitor agrees to abide by the Visitor Regulations. Entering is permitted only during opening hours.

2. Every visitor must behave in a way that does not endanger, harm, impede or disturb anyone else. It is not permitted to enter with objects that could jeopardize the security of visitors or staff or could cause damage to the building, furnishings or interior decoration. Visitors are not permitted to enter with weapons of any nature.

3. Visitors must treat the building and its furnishings with great care and consideration. There must be no littering or dirtying of any kind.

4. Every visitor shall be liable under the provisions of civil law for damage caused by him or her. The Esterhazy Group shall assume no liability beyond the statutory provisions.

5. Schloss Esterhazy Management GmbH, hereafter named SEM, reserves the right to make recordings with cameras for security reasons. These recordings will be deleted after 3 months. The visitor agrees that photos or records of him in any possible technical processes can be taken at events. These are used and utilized by the SEM or some of the other companies of the Esterhazy group.

6. Minors under the age of 12 are only allowed into the exhibition rooms under the supervision of an accompanying adult.

7. Evacuation routes, emergency exits and transport routes are to be kept clear at all times. Evacuation routes and emergency exits are only to be used in the event of danger. If vehicles or objects are illegally left in or in front of Schloss Esterházy, the SEM reserves the right to remove them at the cost of those responsible.

8. Visitors are not permitted to take bicycles, scooters, skateboards or anything similar with them. No animals are permitted in the palace rooms (with the exception of guide dogs).

9. Rainwear, umbrellas, rucksacks and bags larger than 30 × 30 cm must be left in the cloakroom. The SEM assumes no liability for valuables left in the cloakroom.

10. Visitors are not allowed to consume food and drink, or to smoke in the exhibition and state rooms, in the corridors or on the stairs.

11. Telephoning is not permitted in the exhibition rooms.

12. Visitors have the opportunity to purchase a photo license for a onetime use concerning the booked exhibition, limited for one day. The use of flashlight is restricted and has to be arranged in advance with the staff.

For the production of photos and films for commercial purposes, written permission is always required from the SEM. Schloss Esterházy is protected as a word and design mark. All rights, especially image rights, exploitation rights, the marketing rights of images and reproductions of the palace including the palace interiors, their furnishings and art objects, the palace logo, and the Esterhazy trademark, belong to the Esterhazy Group. Any utilization, reproduction, publication or other usage, including forwarding to a third party for such purposes, requires prior written permission from an authorized body and the payment of a license fee.

13. Touching exhibits or any form of manipulation is strictly prohibited.

14. Instructions from security staff, responsible for ensuring compliance with the Visitor Regulations, must always be followed. The SEM reserves the right to demand personal data if there are violations of the Visitor Regulations, or if there are reasonable grounds to suspect the Regulations may be violated, and, if necessary, bar the person concerned from the palace or forward their data to the security services. In this case, admission tickets will not be reimbursed.

15. In order to keep the Covid-19-Pandemic under control and to protect all of us, we will prohibit the entrance in case of the following symptoms: fewer, cough, sore throat, loss of taste of smell and taste, anhelation and hampered respiration.