Esterházy Palace

Opening times

Tuesday - Friday guided winter tours (in German) only
Saturday - Sunday and public holidays 10.00 am to 5.00 pm

Opening times

Forchtenstein Castle

Opening times

Guided Winter-Tour
Tuesday to Sunday and on holidays at 11.00 am und 1.00 pm
Saturday, Sunday and on holidays at 11.00 am, 1.00 and 3.00 pm

Opening times

Lackenbach Palace

Opening times

Thursday to Sunday and public holidays from 10.00 am - 05.00 pm

Opening times

St.Margarethen Quarry

Opening times

Guided tours only

Opening times


Palace Boutique

At Esterházy Palace's redesigned boutique you can browse and shop in style.

There ist plenty to delight both body and soul - all with an Esterhazy and Pannonian focus. Treat yourself aor another and choose from a wide selection of Esterhazy wine and delicacies, books, stationery, tasteful souveniers and gifts.
