Zámok Esterházy

Otváracie hodiny

Utorok - nedeľa a štátne sviatky otvorené od 10.00 do 17.00 hod.

Otváracie hodiny

Hrad Forchtenstein

Otváracie hodiny

Winter-Ticket mit Führung
Montag und Mittwoch - Freitag jeweils um 11.00 und 13.00 Uhr
Samstag, Sonn- und Feiertag jeweils um 11.00, 13.00 und 15.00 Uhr

Otváracie hodiny

Zámok Lackenbach

Otváracie hodiny
Otváracie hodiny

Kameňolom St.Margarethen

Otváracie hodiny

Gruppenbuchungen auf Anfrage möglich

Otváracie hodiny

Measures to prevent Covid-19

Our protective measures for your visit of Esterházy Palace, Forchtenstein Castle and Lackenbach Palace.

The health of our guests and employees has top priority. We therefore ask you to support us in the implementation of the measures taken to prevent Covid-19 by acting with self-reliance.

Due to official regulations, we are currently not allowed to offer guided tours.

Protective measures inside

  • Please keep a distance of at least one meter from other people who do not live in your household.
  • Wearing an FFP2 mask without an exhalation valve or an equivalent mask is mandatory for the duration of the visit.*
  • The following rules apply to minors up to the age of 14: 0 <6 years no mask requirement / 6 <14 years - simple MNS mask is sufficient.
  • Registration is required for guiding tours when buying a ticket. Group size is limited to 16 people excluding children.
  • Please note the given guidance and route regulations.
  • Disinfect your hands regularly. Sufficient disinfectant dispensers are available for use.
  • Observe respiratory hygiene: Cough and sneeze into a tissue or the crook of your arm.
  • Avoid group-like gatherings and, if necessary, wait until you can enter certain rooms or areas.
  • The consumption of food and drinks is strictly prohibited in the indoor areas.
  • Audio guides are properly disinfected after each use.
  • Tickets are also available online at www.panevent-tickets.at.

Protective measures outside

  • Please keep a distance of at least one meter from other people who do not live in your household.
  • Registration is required for guiding tours when buying a ticket. Group size is limited to 16 people excluding children.

Important information for visiting a concert at Esterházy Palace

  • Registration uses the data from your online booking or directly when buying the ticket in our ticket shop.
  • Bought tickets are not transferrable.
  • For visiting the palace, proof of being tested, recovered or vaccinated is required.
  • Wearing an FFP2 mask without an exhalation valve or an equivalent mask is mandatory for the duration of the visit.*
  • Admission starts 45 minutes before the concert.
  • There will be no breaks during the concert.

Our employees are instructed in the applicable hygiene and distance rules. They are always available to answer your questions!

* People who cannot be expected to wear it for health reasons (e.g. people with chronic respiratory diseases, anxiety disorders or advanced dementia, children with ADHD, asthma, etc.) are exempt from the FFP2 obligation. These persons may wear a mechanical protective device that is not close-fitting but completely covers the mouth and nose area, if it reaches to the ears and well below the chin. If this cannot be expected either, the MNS obligation does not apply. In case of controls by the public security service, the reasons for the claim must be proven by a doctor who is authorized to practice independently in Austria.
